Well, this is a sad, neglected little blog, isn't it? Since I try to send out a newsletter semi-regularly, I've all but forgotten about...

Manito Show: Best Ever! Bazaar is Next!
Here's hoping your summer is off to a great start! Last Saturday's Manito Park Art Festival was outstanding! Very well organized. Great...

Solo Show!
Thanks to the Coeur d'Alene Arts & Culture Alliance, I was given the opportunity to exhibit 15 pieces of my work as a solo exhibition for...

Next Show: Manito!
I will have a booth at the Manito Park Art Festival on Saturday, June 10th, from 10am to 6pm. I'll have some original work (including a...

Upcoming Shows
For those of you in the Spokane/Coeur d'Alene region, I will have booths at two upcoming events. Saturday, March 11th, from 9am-4pm – CV...

Re-Brand, Re-Launch
"The only constant is change" -Heraclitus, Greek philosopher This has been on the table for quite a while. The timing is finally right to...